Artist Ralph McQuarrie passed away on Saturday March 3rd at the age of 82. Ralph was an amazing artist that conceputalised many cult nerd movies such as Raiders of the Lost Ark and E.T. His most famous works have been amazing Star Wars images.

Here’s tribute to the artist that was posted on McQuarrie’s official website

It is with the deepest sadness that we announce the passing of Ralph McQuarrie.

People say you should never meet your heroes. Ralph was the exception to that rule. We were all fans of his amazing art long before we were blessed with his friendship. But once you got to know Ralph it was impossible not to become a fan of Ralph the man.

Ralph was a very special person for many more reasons than his undeniable brilliance with a brush. He was an especially kind, sensitive, deep, modest, funny and fascinating gentleman. And as fine a role model as any one could have wished for.

His influence on design will be felt forever. There’s no doubt in our hearts that centuries from now amazing spaceships will soar, future cities will rise and someone, somewhere will say…

“that looks like something Ralph McQuarrie painted.”

His presence will be missed but we will always have his artwork to remember him by. Check the images below and enjoy

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the grass is always greener on the welded side

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